Outlook Spam Filter
Outlook Anti-Spam
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Top 10 Anti-spam plugins

It's a straight forward yet comprehensive spam filter for Outlook combining Bayesian filtering with smart white lists and works with all accounts...

Heinz Tschabitscher, email.about.com

"Windows Internals" Author

I'm very pleased with Spam Reader - it does a better job than built-in Outlook junk mail filter. I receive much spam and your product is a big help for me.

David Solomon, www.solsem.com

Our Users

Spam Reader works great and I love it. The Safe Recipients List is a nice feature, it's solved the problem that I have with receiving messages from my numerous mailing lists.

Hugo Foulks

Exchange 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013

Anti-Spam Filtering for Microsoft Exchange

Anti-Spam Software for Exchange Spam Reader 4.0 is an anti-spam add-on for Outlook which works with Microsoft Exchange mail boxes. The anti-spam software has full support of Microsoft Exchange mail servers. Spam filtering algorithm was successfully tested with the following configuration: Microsoft Exchange v.5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007 and higher with Microsoft Outlook 2000-2021.

Note: Previous version 5.0 of Microsoft Exchange was not tested. So, Spam Reader might have some problems (see below) with spam filtering in this case.

How to turn on anti-spam protection for Exchange?

You don't need to do anything special: Spam Reader automatically determines the fact that Outlook works with Microsoft Exchange and starts spam filtering for all incoming messages from your default Exchange mail account. Just make sure you install Spam Reader under user account with administrative rights, all the other settings will be done by Spam Reader.

What is the cached mode of Exchange and does Spam Reader work with it?

For the first time cached mode was introduced in Outlook 2003. All previous MS Outlook versions don't have this option. Working in cached mode Outlook creates local copy of all user's data from the server. Using these local data the program allows working with mail, calendar, notes, and tasks without permanent interaction with Exchange server. Every several minutes Outlook synchronizes all changes between the local database and the server: receives new messages, transmits messages that have be sent, saves all changed items. The user can work as usual with Outlook even if the Exchange server is down for some time: all the changes will be synchronized with Exchange right after the server is up again. This is a very useful feature, especially for users who have slow Internet connection with a MS Exchange server.

Spam Reader has full support of cached mode: it tracks all incoming messages from both the Exchange mail account placed on server and the local copy of user's data. Therefore it doesn't matter if the user is in cached mode or not - Spam Reader correctly catches spam in your Inbox in any Outlook configuration.

What are the important points in work with Microsoft Exchange?

Interaction with MS Exchange has the following specific points:

Common problems for anti-spam software for Exchange

Often anti-spam add-ons for Outlook are not able to catch junk messages downloaded from Microsoft Exchange server. But at the same time spam messages that Outlook receives from POP3/SMTP mail servers are filtered correctly. Why is there such a difference between POP3/SMTP and Microsoft Exchange mail servers?

Incorrect filtering happens because Outlook uses different protocols to work with Exchange and SMTP servers. Therefore any anti-spam filter must support both of these protocols in order to properly work with both Exchange and SMTP types of mail servers. If an anti-spam add-on misses any detail of work with MS Exchange then spam filtering of incoming messages might be incorrect. A degree of "not working" depends on the quality of a spam filter architecture: sometimes a spam filter doesn't catch any spam at all, sometimes it catches correctly only junk messages arrived when Outlook is launched but doesn't filter spam arrived earlier.

See also: Outlook Spam Filter | AntiSpam Outlook | Outlook 2021 Spam | Outlook Junk Mail Settings | Outlook 2021 Junk Email Filter false positive | Block Email in Outlook

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